Fashion Tips: Caring for and Cleaning Your Glasses

Fashion For those of you who use glasses for fashion purposes or for health purposes, of course, you need to do a series of special treatments. But take it easy. Treatment is not difficult and does not require expensive costs.

Use a special cloth for glasses

To clean your fashion glasses, don’t forget to always use a special cloth for glasses, Beauties. This cloth is made of very soft material so that your glasses will not be easily scratched.

So, avoid wiping your glasses with clothes, because this method can make the glasses break quickly.

Don’t Leave in Hot Place

Come on, confess Beauties, do you still often leave your glasses everywhere? If you want your glasses to last, make sure you never leave them in hot places or in direct sunlight.

For example, avoiding the storage of glasses on the dashboard of the car during the day in scorching hot weather conditions. This will reduce the quality of the glasses or can make the frames of the glasses become loose due to direct sunlight.

Clean With Cleaning Liquid

Usually, eyeglass lenses are very susceptible to dust or other debris. For daily maintenance, clean your glasses regularly using a special liquid for eyeglass lenses.

This liquid will always make your lenses clear and make you comfortable when wearing glasses. You can buy this liquid at the nearest optician or buy it online.

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Use warm water

If there is no cleaning liquid, you can use warm water to remove the existing dust. You can also use plain running water to clean it. After washing your glasses, remember that you shouldn’t use a tissue to dry them.

Save In Case

When not in use, store your glasses in their place. If you don’t take it with you when you travel, store it in a place with a flat, open, and free surface. By storing your glasses neatly and safely, will help your glasses last longer.